Slumber party, but make it stylish — This dreamy competition is all about crafting the ultimate sleep-inspired look
Create an outfit using both of the required items linked down below. Get cozy and step into a world where bedtime meets fashion whether it’s plush PJ or silky nightgowns! Think soft pastels, celestial vibes, and slumber party nostalgia.
(Your outfit has to contain at least 20 items for you to be able to submit it)
Required items:
Today we have not only one but two required items: the tent by
You must include both of the items in your outfit visibly to be able to submit your entry!
Required item 1 — Tent (Some of the recolors):
Required item 2 — Pillow (Some of the recolors):
OPTIONAL full set with all the pillow recolors + additional accessories:
Example outfits:
Bonus Auctions:
Starting today at 12 PM ET / 6 PM CET and 100 hours onwards, we will have this set made by
Each auction's duration will be an hour, and a new auction will start just as the other one has ended. The set will end up being 100ig and therefore Legendary rarity!
We'd like to extend a thank you to
Good luck and have fun!
- The Everskies Team