April fool’s! Here is the actual competition. Did we prank you in our last post? :3
Make a super silly outfit featuring the Everskies cat head taking inspiration from knock-knock jokes, pranks, funny scenarios, and other humorous elements. You could make a silly cat in outer space, have the silly cat's friend dancing to some music, make the silly cat wear a hilarious outfit, and more– the choice is yours!
(Your outfit has to contain at least 20 items for you to be able to submit it)
Required items:
Today's required item is one of these silly Everskies cat heads made by the silliest
You must include the cat mask in your outfit visibly to be able to submit your entry!
Example outfits:
Participation prize:
Everyone with a valid submission will receive these fabulously funny sets by the talented
We'd like to extend a thank you to
Good luck, have fun, and it’s time to be silly!
- The Everskies Team :3
Competition FAQ:
☁ Is there a theme for this competition?
Yes, and it’s so silly! :3
Make an outfit with the Everskies cat mask (or friend masks) taking inspiration from comical elements and themes that are funny. We would encourage you to put your cat in a silly costume or outfit, but the possibilities are endless so you can get creative!
☁ Why only 24 hours to vote?
We have experimented in past comps with different voting times, however we have come to find out that over 95% of the total votes are placed within the first 24 hours. Please keep in mind that our voting algorithm ensures that all submissions are shown and voted for the same amount of times to ensure that the voting is as fair as possible.
☁ Can I make a background?
Not today! Any items from the "Background Deco" category in "Accessories" will not be allowed, and you will not be able to submit your outfit.
☁ I didn't place, but I had the required item.
Most likely, a bug occurred while the notifications were sent out. We do not disqualify anymore!
☁ The competition ended, but I didn't get the participation prize.
Please be patient. It takes some time after the competition has ended for the participation prize to be sent out to everyone!
☁ What happens if someone copies my entry?
The Everskies Team will investigate the situation and handle it to the best of our ability, but without concrete evidence, there is not much we can do.
Our biggest advice is to avoid posting your entry in the comments if you are worried about people copying you and only sharing it with trusted friends.
Desperately lf vampire girl bonnets
Selling delicate doll
Hi!! I design
cherry choco milk vintage drink
the way home’s too hard || gh friendly
My comp fit!
Buy my friends listings!
america ya:D
*˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚ 𓆦 ˚•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*