Happy Pride Month, Cloudies! In case you didn’t know, the month of June celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride Month; which you can find more information about HERE. To celebrate Pride Month, we are running this competition until the end of the month along with the “Pride: Uniquely Yours” outfit competition.
That’s right, we are bringing back a writing competition in celebration of Pride! There will be more Pride events in addition to this one, so stay tuned!
Pride is something important to celebrate not just today, but also every day. Pride helps to shape us, makes us recognize who we are, and encourages us to celebrate our individuality. That’s why we’d like for you to express your Pride and share it with us on Everskies. In this writing competition, we’d like to encourage you to write about what Pride means to you, your favorite Pride experience, something that helped you recognize your Pride, Pride stories you may have, and your favorite parts of Pride. You can express experiences that are more open, or share stories that are more personal. We want to hear about your Pride!
All stories and experiences shared must adhere to the Everskies Rules of Conduct. ANY stories shared that include discrimination, belittling content, or otherwise hateful content will be promptly removed and disciplinary action will be taken. We will not tolerate any discrimination.
Follow the theme above, this competition aims to highlight Pride experiences and what makes Pride unique to you!
The maximum word limit is 200 words; any stories over 200 words will be removed. This will help us review entries more effectively and quick, prevent spam, and make sure that stories are easier to read for users. You can write under 200 words, but submissions over 200 words will be removed.
To be updated as needed!
Participation prize:
Everyone with a valid submission will receive these wonderful Pride participation prizes by
We'd like to extend a thank you to
Happy Pride Month, and write your own story 🌈
- The Everskies Team
Hi cloudies! Voting has finally begun for our competition.
Why did it take so long?
We received an overwhelmingly positive response with thousands of submissions. However, to ensure a safe and positive celebration of pride, we had to manually sort through all entries. As a result, over 2,000 submissions were disqualified.
What entries got disqualified?
Found a rule-breaking entry during voting?
Please report it, and we'll take appropriate action. With so many submissions, an occasional bad entry may have slipped through.
We're thrilled to see so many beautiful entries celebrating pride. It's amazing to see how pride has empowered so many of you to be yourselves. For those who are in environments where it’s unsafe to be unapologetically yourself, we want you to know we see you, we're sorry for the challenges you face, and we're incredibly proud of your courage. Pride goes beyond Pride month on Everskies and we're so happy to have you all here.
Competition FAQ:
☁ Is there a theme for this competition?
Yes! The theme for this competition is “Pride: Uniquely Yours.” This theme has a wide range of meanings, as we invite you to share what your definition of “Pride” is in this competition. Pride has a different meaning for everyone, so be sure to express what makes it uniquely yours! You can share your Pride in a story about how you recognized your Pride, discuss your favorite experience with Pride or Pride Month, share your favorite parts of Pride, write what Pride means to you, and do so much more!
☁ Can everyone participate in this competition?
Everyone can participate in this competition; as we have no way of confirming who is or is not a part of the LGBTQ+ community. However, we especially wish to encourage members of the LGBTQ+ community to participate and share their experiences; as we would like to highlight the experiences and voices of LGBTQ+ individuals especially. For this competition specifically, we would encourage allies and those who are not in the LGBTQ+ community not to participate.
☁ Why are submissions open for so long?
To give as many users as possible a chance to share their Pride, we are opening submissions for this competition for longer than usual. Submissions will close at the end of June, we are working on getting this competition extended!
☁ Why only 24 hours to vote?
We have experimented in past comps with different voting times, however we have come to find out that over 95% of the total votes are placed within the first 24 hours. Please keep in mind that our voting algorithm ensures that all submissions are shown and voted for the same amount of times to ensure that the voting is as fair as possible.
☁ The competition ended, but I didn't get the participation prize.
Please be patient. It takes some time after the competition has ended for the participation prize to be sent out to everyone! If you encounter any issues, please reach out to support.everskies.com for assistance.
☁ What happens if someone copies my entry?
The Everskies Team will investigate the situation and handle it to the best of our ability, but without concrete evidence, there is not much we can do.
Our biggest advice is to avoid posting your entry in the comments if you are worried about people copying you and only sharing it with trusted friends.
first :0
second :3
third, happy pride :3
Wooo amazing
Selling ALL wd, feel free to dm 👍
First after ever ?? 😊
Edit: support a nby designeerrr😝 if u want ofc
Selling ALL wd, feel free to dm 👍
everyone is on the outfit thread :0
hiding in this thread waiting for more users to find it too :3
she's got glitter for skin | 5/5 blogs |🍯✝️| #14 Everfruits
I'll help ya boost friend so users see the post
Selling ALL wd, feel free to dm 👍
Selling ALL wd, feel free to dm 👍
quitting selling ENTIRE wd